Leash Stand Up Paddle

 24.00 36.00 IVA incluído

Leash Stand Up Paddle – Para pranchas de SUP rigidas ou insufláveis.

Espessura de 9mm e 9mm PRO



Leash Stand Up Paddle

Leash Stand Up Paddle para pranchas de SUP rigidas e insufláveis. Várias medidas e espessuras.

Sup Board Leashes for rigid and inflatable boards, several sizes and widths


SUP board leashes, or stand-up paddleboard leashes, are essential safety equipment for paddleboarders.

They are typically made of strong, flexible materials like urethane or coiled polyurethane, and they attach to the ankle or calf of the paddleboarder on one end, while the other end is secured to the paddleboard itself.

The primary function of a SUP board leash is to prevent the paddleboard from getting away from the paddler in the event of a fall or wipeout.

If you fall off your board, the leash keeps the board nearby, preventing it from drifting away.

This is particularly important in windy or wavy conditions where the board can quickly get out of reach.

Additionally, SUP board leashes enhance safety by helping to prevent collisions with other watercraft or obstacles.

They also make it easier to retrieve your board if you lose it in the water, as it will remain attached to you via the leash.

When choosing a Stand Up Paddle board leash, consider factors such as:

Length (which should be appropriate for the size of your board and the type of water you’ll be paddling in),

Thickness (for durability), and whether you prefer a straight leash or a coiled leash (which can reduce drag in the water).

It’s essential to always wear a leash when paddleboarding to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the water.

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